Saturday, July 30, 2011

So I come to find out

There's not many things in this world that can completely and utterly stifle my drive to cook like moving into a new house in which the A/C is broken. That's right, broken, in the Georgia heat. Poor little Cricket, I didn't think she was going to make it. It was about 95 degrees inside our house and shelties are not the most heat-tolerant of dogs. At one point she went outside and dug a little fox hole in the dirt and slept in that for awhile. What a goofball.

Anyway, we got the A/C fixed after a helpful call to my dad which confirmed that it was an electrical problem and are now living in the nice cool 78 range again. Thank God! Plus, that means I can start cooking again. I have taken an extended extended leave of absence from my diet, but it's time to hop back onto the wagon now that I don't feel that I have to eat everything in my cabinets just to avoid moving it. So, with nothing to show you right now and no recipes to offer, I promise once again that I'll be back and cooking soon. I'm making a list right now!

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